Curriculum Standards

1st Quarter Standards for 1st Grade.  

       By the end of this first 9 weeks, your child will be expected to:
Reading Our first two units are Readers Build Good Habits and Tackling the Tricky Parts.
·         Segment sounds in words
·         Decode single syllable words with consonants,  blends and digraphs
·         Understand the concept of a sentence
·         Break words apart into their individual sounds
·         Define a word by telling what category it is in and describing an attribute/attributes (ex. A tiger is a large cat with stripes.)
Fiction Texts·         Retell stories using key details showing understanding of the message or lesson
·         Use illustrations to describe characters
·         Ask and answer questions about details
Non-fiction Texts:·         Identify the main topic and retell key details
·         Ask and answer questions about details
·         Ask and answer questions to clarify meaning

  S   Students will be introduced to Writer’s Workshop and our second unit is Writing For Readers.
·         Write complete sentences about an event in sequence, using transition words, and having a sense of closure
·         Add details to writing to strengthen it
·         Use pronouns and adjectives
·         Use punctuation at the end of sentences
·         Spell untaught words using appropriate letter sounds

 Ou  Using Numbers to Explore Our Mathematical Community and Building a Conceptual Understanding of Addition and Subtraction.·         Count to 150, starting at any number less than 150.
·         Understand place Value
·         Read and write numerals, and represent a number of objects with a written numeral to 20.
·         Organize, represent, and interpret data with up to three categories.
·         Work with addition and subtraction equations

Social Studies

      Our first unit in Social Studies is Civics and Government.
·         Tell why rules are needed in the home, school and community.
·         Classify the roles of authority figures in the home, school and community (teachers, principal, parents, mayor, park rangers, etc.)
·         Summarize various ways in which conflict could be resolved in homes, schools, classrooms, and communities

  O  Our first unit in Science will be Force and Motion.
·         Explain the importance of push and pull to change the motion of an object
·         Explain how some forces can be used to make things move without touching them (ex. Magnets)
·         Predict the effect of a given force on the motion of an object
·         Give examples of different ways objects move.

Quarter 2 Standards 

   R Reading Connecting with Character and Learning About the World Through Informational Texts
·         Distinguish between long and short vowels
·         Know consonant digraphs
·         Read words with inflectional endings
·         Read grade level texts with fluency, accuracy, purpose and understanding
Fiction Texts·         Identify authors message
·         Retell with key details
·         Identify key word that tell feelings
·         Use illustrations to help build understanding
·         Compare and contrast characters
Non-fiction Texts:·         Identify the main topic and retell key details
·         Know and use text features
·         Use illustrations to help build understanding
Explain differences between books that tell stories and books that give information

Opi  Opinion Writing and Informational Writing
·         Write an opinion piece including the opinion, a reason for the opinion and closure
·         Write an informative piece introducing a topic, supply facts about the topic and closure
·         Add details to writing to strengthen it

  The following conventions are in addition to the ones focused on 1st quarter

·         Use prepositions and compound sentences
·         Use singular and plural nouns
·         Use capital letters and complete sentences


Understanding Equality and Place Value, Understanding Measurement as a Context to Compare Numbers·         Extend the counting sequence.
·         Understand place value.
·         Represent and interpret data.
·         Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction.
·         Tell and write time.
·         Work with addition and subtraction equations.
Social Studies

Geography and Environmental Science
·         Use a variety of geographic tools to locate physical features of landforms and bodies of water.  
  • Identify and use map symbols to represent streets, roads, lakes, etc.
·         Find specific locations of places on a map such as home, classroom or playground by using map symbols and giving directions.
·         Use geographic terms in work and play to describe and find places.
·         Give examples of natural resources and how they are used, conserved, and wasted in the environment.
·         Identify how the environment impacts where and how people live.

Our first unit in Science will be Force and Motion.
·         Explain the importance of push and pull to change the motion of an object
·         Explain how some forces can be used to make things move without touching them (ex. Magnets)
·         Predict the effect of a given force on the motion of an object
·         Give examples of different ways objects move.     

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